It seems like I’ve had my iPhone 6 forever and have been wondering about what blockbuster features the iPhone 7 would possess. I looked around and the new phone (it’s really a handheld computer, but I date myself) and was not impressed with what I found.
So I consulted with Apple citizen evangelist Jonathan and he sent me some links to what MacRumors is saying. I read them and came to the same conclusion: the iPhone 7 which I’ll probably get anyway could be a disappointment and absent of major innovation.
Jonathan, who is thoroughly a techie and loves all things Apple, disagrees. He points out that the iPhone is polished and on that point, I would agree although my hands-on perception of Android phones is dated.
Frankly, I want to be wowed by something spectacular I’ve never seen before. At the very least, I want wireless charging to reduce the number of Apple cables I’ve been tripping over for years. Better battery life would be good, too. But wow me, Apple! It’s been a while.
This conversation with Jonathan started because I’ve noticed that the Galaxy 7 has been getting rave reviews. CNet loved it although its video review is much more an ad than an objective review. Rich Jaroslovsky’s review at The Observer is less breathless and in context with the apps for each platform.
Having written about technology for 35 years, I am more technically literate than the average smart phone buyer. With that in mind, here’s my commentary in bold on what MacRumors speculates the new features will be a la the phone and iOS 10 (see the video below), which presumably I’ll also be able to get on my aging iPhone 6. MacRumors reports that Apple will introduce the iPhone 7 — which may step off the numeric names treadmill – this fall.
What do you think? MacRumors is not excited: “All in all, the iPhone 7 is expected to feature only minor changes, which has led to speculation and rumors suggesting demand for the 2016 device will be weak due to a “lack of innovation.”
- No headphone jack (Who cares? I rarely bother with headphones with my iPhone although I know the young’uns do.)
- Improved water resistance (I only occasionally use my iPhone in the shower.)
- Dual-lens camera for iPhone 7 Plus (Selfies are not my thing, but if I did them, the iPhone 6 is fine.)
- Possible Smart Connector for iPhone 7 Plus (Hopefully, this means wireless charging. “Smart”is such an overused techie word.)
- Design similar to iPhone 6s (Zzzz)
- Redesigned antenna bands (Oh boy!)
- Upgraded processor (More speed is always a good thing, but I like billions of other pay no attention to the processor.)
- Two screen sizes (Zzzz)
- Siri API for developers (Whoop-dee-do…I am not a developer although I use Siri now.)
- Redesigned Lock screen (Practical, but hot I think not.)
- Huge changes and new features for Messages (Ok, maybe this’ll be hot.)
- Redesigned Apple Music app (I use Spotify and hate iTunes.)
- Deletable stock apps (Since when is this a hot new feature? Should have been there all along.)
- New “Home” app for HomeKit (???)
2 comments On iPhone 7 sounds like a snore
Like I said, a hand held computer although the term sounds quaint. Still, if Apple does something insanely great with the 7, I would not object.
Is the iPhone 7 a Virtual Reality machine? http://www.zdnet.com/article/why-every-iphone-7-spec-and-rumor-leads-to-virtual-reality/