HP Drops Mini 1000 price, Dell Still Lowest

Netbook price trench warfare continues unabated with HP lowering the official price on its low-end HP Mini 1000 to $279.99.  While it has twice as much storage (8G solid state) than the $199.95 Dell Mini which I blogged about yesterday, the HP price cut seems mild by comparison. I could not find the original HP price of the Mini 1000, but Cnet.com still pegs it at $299.99.

The only catch I see and it’s meaningless if you can delay instant gratification is that it doesn’t get built until Feb. 26, nine days from now. I thought they’d have warehouses of these units ready to go.

Falling netbook prices has to be pulling the price floor out from under the notebook market. I feel like a sucker buying an HP Mini 1030NR at BestBuy a week ago for $400 (still Bbuy’s price). It does have 16G of ram, XP and 10.2 inch screen versus the 8.9 inch in the Linux unit, but instant gratifiication worked against me this time. What do they say about he who waits?

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