Ubuntu Embracing Android

My favorite Ubuntu site workswithu.com is reporting that Canonical, Ubuntu’s commercial sponsor,  will (or already has) demoed Android applications running on Ubuntu at its Developer Summit this week in Barcelona. I hope the developers didn’t get trampled by crazed soccer fans celebrating Barcelon’a win over Manchester United. Worswithu editor Joe Panettieri’s story is the best I’ve seen on the topic and take it from me, Joe (a former Ziff Davis colleague) is one reliable source. I will link to his update on this topic when he posts.

I’ve been heads down with Windows 7 for the better part of a week and interviewed two of Microsoft’s Windows 7 on netbook gurus at length yesterday. I hope to post what I learned from that interview by end of day tomorrow as well as my testing. In fact, The Dodge Retort now has a special section dedicated to coverage of Windows 7 on netbooks. Also, longtime technology watcher Nick Wingfield in the Wall Street Journal this morning beat up on Linux variants such as Ubuntu for having device compitbility issues – something Microsoft trumpets as being nearly bulletproof with Windows.

Shortly, I also will have a review of the Verizon mobile wireless service on the HP Mini 1000 model  1151r netbook.

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