#Boston Globe Dissension in Union Ranks, Newsstand Price Hiked $0.50

While in my last post I waxed sentimental about the Boston Globe, the desperate situation is causing much dissension between Globe staffers and union leaders, several of whom have jobs for life under present agreements. Staffers also accuse the union leaders of keeping them in the dark about Globe owner NYT’s threats to shutter the newspaper, according to the Globe’s crosstown rival, The Boston Herald.

Whoever would have imagined that the Herald which has experienced financial problems for decades would stand a chance to outlive the Globe? Read the comments (72) to this story…..some anti-liberal Globe (and newspaper) sentiment which one would expect from Boston’s conservative rag.

The Herald also reported that the daily Globe newsstand price will climb a half buck to $1.50 while Sunday goes from $3.50 to $4.00. The irony is readers are paying more for less given the Globe’s anorexic size these days. That is unlikely to go over well with the Globe’s readership. In February, I locked in for a year.

Clearly, the Herald has become a major source of Globe rumors and disenchantment. And it could come out on top as Boston’ s only major print daily.

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