In a world of shoddy customer service, it’s not hard to stand out when you’re really good. Amazon has been leader in great customer service, but two I want to cite today are American Express and GEICO.

Amex as I like to call it forgave me for lots of interest recently on a large bill that was late and included a semester of private college tuition. So you know the bill was large! That said, Amex likes me because I usually pay my entire bill and pay it on time. I’ve been late on a number of occasions and Amex always comes through. This time, it ate a considerable amount of interest.

Yes, I’ve switched to GEICO for auto insurance and its customer service has been fantastic. You press 4 for customer service and it comes on in an instant. And GEICO customer service resp extremely knowledgeable. GEICO also saved me $800 in annual premiums over my previous agent based insurance (One Beacon was the carrier) .
I have yet to test GEICO with claim, but I fully expect it will be breeze (on that score, One Beacon was fine). I would expect nothing less from Warren Buffett.
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