Swearing off The Today Show

After five decades, I have sworn off The Today Show. FOREVER!

It’s been a mushy feelgood variety show for years, but this morning’s show was the final straw when Matt Lauer blamed Nancy Pelosi for the stim getting aced by House Republicans. Then he criticized President Obama for engaging Rush Limbaugh. What got to me wasn’t  so much that his comments and questions were partisan as they were just plain stupid. Doesn’t he review these before they’re handed to him!? The issue was that nary a Republican voted for the stim which was a huge failure of GOP leadership. Period.

“Change it. Change it,” I screamed to my wife. “I’m done. No more Today Show.” To her credit,  she’s wanted off The Today for a couple of years now.

It’s MSNBC’s Morning Joe for us where the political dialog is both bi-partisan and reasonably intelligent. I long for Bryant and Katie! And Dave Garroway, Frank Blair and Jane Pauley!

4 comments On Swearing off The Today Show

  • Willie Geist should get more air time. Very Bright. Understated.

  • I don’t know about who’s fault the lack of support belongs to. I went through the spending data in the 647 pages & the amount of non-stimulus spending is much greater than spending on stimulus related items.

  • Patrick,

    Wow…that is the mother of all bills. But you can scan it and pick out things like $50M for National Cemetery repair and $325M for an Innovation. Gotta check and see if Recovery.gov is up yet.

  • Here’s the thing. This shouldn’t be a partisan matter.

    The Administration claims that the bill will produce 3 to 4 million jobs, that’s $275,000 per job. The average American earns $27,000/year and pays ~$2,400 in federal income taxes. Now, tack on the interest cost of the ~$800 billion bill and the cost/job ratio really goes out the roof.

    Now, most of those jobs aren’t sustained jobs. When you look at from a perspective of what the tax payer is really getting back, it’s a no go.

    It could be written to make sense but the pork train unloaded on this bill.

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