It”s been four days since I posted because I have been so busy with the launch of ITnews .com. It’s been a blast so far…so much news, so little time!
Anyhow, for those of you who don’t know aggregates the news from across IDG’s myriad news brands – Computerworld, PC World, IDG News Service, The Industry Standard, Network World and Infoworld. Given my long history covering IT, it’s been very gratifying to reconnect with so many former colleagues who are 1) at IDG, 2) still in the ‘industry’ as we call it, and 3) folks I’ve reconnected with on Facebook (we have a facebook group, too).
Anyhow, I am working with Martha Connors who runs IDG’s Online Publishing Group, a bunch of sharp developers who created a great content management system based on drupal, the open source CMS. It took me about 24 hours to pick up. With so many free and robust CMS’ like drupal and WordPress, one wonders why some companies spend millions on such CMS platforms (and metrics) .
Anyhow, check out and as always, let me know what you think. And as always, I’m always on the lookout for good stories…exclusives and scoops of perception. Got a good one tonight eating dinner at a neighbor’s on the hot topic of social media metrics – measuring the conversation about your company.
My plan is to be up here on the Dodge Retort as frequently as possible, sometimes pointing to the hotter stories on